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     PsychExperts & Associates offer individual psychotherapy for adults who may be experiencing a variety of symptoms related to depression and other mood disorders, anxiety, panic disorder, social anxiety, substance abuse, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress and other trauma related issues, obsessive compulsive disorders, attention deficit disorder (ADD) and mood disorders.  In addition, life adjustments or changes, such as job stress, Continue Reading

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    OTHER EVALUATION SERVICES Pre-employment psychological evaluations. After a candidate receives a Conditional Offer of Employment, some employers require a psychological evaluation in order to assess the potential employee’s ability to perform the essential functions of the position. At PsychExperts & Associates, Inc., we provide standardized testing and a clinical interview, followed by a timely report Continue Reading

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ADHD word cloud concept


Gifted Assessment.

In order to qualify for the gifted program, your child must receive an individual IQ test and an achievement test, administered by a licensed psychologist. It’s important to note that the school district offers this service for free; however, at times the wait can be lengthy and the accommodations (time of day, number of sessions, etc.) may not provide your child with the opportunity to perform at their optimal level. Furthermore, testing for children who have not yet entered kindergarten must be completed privately if you want your child to be eligible for the gifted program when they begin their kindergarten year.

At PsychExperts & Associates, Inc.,we provide a complimentary phone consultation to discuss the specifics of your child’s assessment needs. We will then discuss your son or daughter’s typical schedule and will make every effort to complete the evaluation at a time when your child is likely to perform at their best.

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder show developmentally inappropriate levels of inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. These behaviors are not situational and occur in different contexts, such as in the home, at school, and in public places. Our psychologists provide a thorough ADHD evaluation that includes direct observation, standardized psychological tests, and clinical interviews with the parents, teachers, and child. A comprehensive report with specific recommendations is then provided to the parents and can be reviewed during a final feedback session.

Learning Disability Evaluation.

At PsychExperts & Associates, Inc., our psychologists offer evaluations to assess for learning disabilities when a child’s performance in school is below what would be expected, based on their age, IQ, level of effort, and education. We meet  with the parents and child to discuss the child’s history, prior to completing a thorough psychological evaluation. After all factors are taken into account, a comprehensive report with specific recommendations is then provided to the parents and discussed during a final feedback session.

Developmental Disability Evaluation.

At PsychExperts & Associates, Inc.,we provide comprehensive psychological evaluations to assess for developmental disabilities such as mental retardation (or intellectual disabilities) and autism spectrum disorders. Individuals with developmental disabilities can benefit greatly from appropriate services, which will be discussed during a feedback session and specifically addressed in the psychological report provided.

School Consultation.

The PsychExperts & Associates, Inc.,. offers school, home, and agency consultation services focused on the needs of children and adolescents with a broad range of special needs. Services include educational, behavioral, vocational, or rehabilitative services for families and school districts.

Written by PsychExperts & Asociates

PsychExperts is a full service psychology practice that specializes in Civil, Criminal, and Family forensic related psychological assessment.